
Thank you for registering. And as a way of saying "Thanks",
here's a special bonus just for you...


Here's How You Can Get 4 of my
Most Popular Masterclasses
for Just £1...

You're about to get all this for just
one single, solitary little pound...

"Manifesting Energy" Retail £47 INCLUDED
"Silent Mind Meditation" Retail £47 INCLUDED
"Emotional Resilience" Retail £47 INCLUDED
"Perceiving Auras" Retail £47 INCLUDED
  Total Value £188
  ALL Four Trainings
Just £1
(YOU SAVE! 99.5% £187)




From The Desk Of
Lisa Turner
Wednesday 10.34 AM

Dear Friend,

As an extra, unadvertised bonus for registering with Psycademy, I want to give you INSTANT ACCESS to four of my most popular masterclasses

These masterclasses are packed with content, insight and impact

They will have you seeing things from a different angle within minutes. They will have you thinking about things in new and exciting ways. But best of all... you will learn about the practical steps you can take to put your newfound insights into action.

When you click through to listen to these masterclasses, you'll find yourself in a place of...

"Practical Enlightenment"

What do I mean by "Practical Enlightenment"?

Well it's actually very straightforward. The information and ideas I share are so often presented as conceptually woolly theories with no sense of how they can be put to practical use in everyday life. There's hardly ever any kind of sensible link made between these ideas and their practical application in business.

The information and strategies I share in these masterclasses are all based on ideas that I have actually put into practice. They are real and they work. And the reason I know they work is because I have experienced them in practice myself.

Here's a more detailed look at the masterclass trainings your'e about to receive...

Masterclass Descriptions:

Manifesting EnergyMasterclass #1: Manifesting Energy

Approx 60 mins AUDIO Training and Inspiration
Value £47

Everything you manifest in your life - the good, the bad and the ugly - is created from and with energy. Keeping these things in your life takes energy too. So if you want to attract positive people, clients, experiences and circumstances, then maintaining your personal energy field is essential.

This audio shows you how to:

  • Increase your personal presence, power and charisma
  • Stop 'energy vampires' draining your energy
  • Increase energy for manifesting AND keeping the things you want
  • Identify any energy imbalances that could lead to problems
  • Learn the secret art and science of manifestation
  • Find and seal your energy leaks, stop bleeding your energy away
  • Discover where you energy is repelling your clients and how to attract them
  • Find out how to change your energy so you magnetise to you
  • How to strengthen, focus and direct your energy to increase your success
  • Learn a unique manifestation formula that guarantees success 'only' 90% of the time


Silent Mind MeditationMasterclass #2: Silent Mind Meditation

Approx 60 mins AUDIO Training and Inspiration Value £47

Listen to this masterclass and find out exactly what silent meditation is. In reality what most people think of as meditating is NOT. Learn how to...

  • Avoid the most common mistakes that people make when trying to meditate. This is why most people give up or think they can’t meditate.
  • Find the perfect meditation type for YOU. Not the teachers favourite. And learn how to adapt it for you and to fit your lifestyle.
  • Meditate with and without seed – the key to manifestation and problem solving.
  • Access deeper and altered states of consciousness.


Emotional ResilienceMasterclass #3: Emotional Resilience

Approx 60 mins AUDIO Training and Inspiration Value £47

This audio explains why emotions are THE most important aspect of your mindset. Plus...

  • How to use your emotions to harness success
  • The THREE things most people do wrong when dealing with painful emotions
  • Exactly how your emotions are effecting your energy and health
  • Why positive thinking will NEVER work to release negative emotions (and why it can actually make things WORSE)
  • How to bounce back from emotional trauma or from a big blow or setback


Perceiving AurasMasterclass #4: Perceiving Auras

Approx 60 mins AUDIO Training and Inspiration Value £47

This masterclass covers some of the most basic questions about auras, like: "What colour should it be?", "What do the colours mean?", "How big should an aura be?" as well as explaining...

  • The different layers and levels of the aura.
  • How to perceive an aura – enhance your sensory perception and ability to perceive both objectively and subjectively.
  • How to conduct a full aura scan.
  • How to clean and energise your aura – doing this will make you instantly more attractive to positive experiences, people and even money.
  • What area the myths and misconceptions around interpreting auras and their meaning.
  • How to expand your awareness so that you can sense beyond your body. This little known technique enables you to increase your personal presence and charisma by connecting deeply with others.


Here's "The Catch" You've Been Looking For...

Here's the deal: If you were to invest in these four masterclasses individually, you would pay £47 for each of them. I'm not falsely inflating the value here - the real world price of these four downloads is £188. In fact the figure is considerably higher when you consider what this information can actually DO for you and your business.

But I'm sure you're wondering to yourself...

"If these four masterclasses normally sell for £47 a piece, why would I give them to you for just £1?"

The truth is, it's a BRIBE!

And no, I'm not joking... just being honest!

You see, while I'm willing to give all of this valuable information for just £1, I'm not going to hand the recordings over just like that!

For starters... some of my customers have paid £188 for this exact same information, so this offer really must be kept limited.

And then... there's the fact that I've spent over 15 YEARS studying the mind, learning numerous different techniques, reading countless books, exploring the science AND the reality behind the models, putting my own money and time into testing and refining new ideas. So the idea of handing over all this information for nothing just doesn't fit with my rule of acknowledging the positive value in everything.

So what's the bribe?

Why Am I Willing To Part With Four
Of My Best-Selling Masterclasses
For Only £1?

If you want to get instant access to:

  1. Manifesting Energy (value £47)
  2. Silent Mind Meditation (value £47)
  3. Emotional Resilience (value £47) and...
  4. Perceiving Auras (value £47)

... all for just £1, all I ask is that you take a free, 30-day trial to my "Spiritual Practitioner Mastermind" Group.

The "Spiritual Practitioner Mastermind" is my private, members-only area. Like a virtual Psychic Circle this will accelerate your development far faster that you'll be able to achieve on your own. It's an energy web for your support, protection, and growth.

An acorn will grow into an oak tree when planted in the earth. But the size, splendor and health of the tree is down to the environment. Get yourself in the right environment and become the most magnificent and authentic oak.

Here's a summary of what you receive as a member of my
"Spiritual Practitioner Mastermind"

Monthly LIVE phone meetings with me and my personally hand-picked team of experts
Online digital recordings and written transcripts of each and every call so you’ll never miss a single gold nugget of thoughts and ideas you can put into action in your life
Online networking forum – connect with others from around the world and experience a global support system that’s always there for you
Laser coaching calls, volunteer to be in the hot seat to get your problems solved, your questions answered and psychic and spiritual guidance
Get hooked into my energy support system. As a special gift to all mastermind participants I set up an energy grid that works at the level of your higher self for your greatest good. Being supported by this grid you will help you face life’s challenges and evolve safely. Once we are connected I will pass on any psychic insights or channelled messages to you or the group either via the forum or on one of the regular calls.
Access to  Case Studies and insights from our most successful members and graduates – people just like you who are on a mission to transform the planet, their lives, businesses and relationships
Video Tutorials, Reviews, Tips, Tricks and Tactics
And much, much more...

And you get 30 days absolutely free!

After your free 30-day trial, your membership will automatically be renewed at the monthly Membership Rate of £47...and you can cancel at any time.

Of course, if you decide to cancel before your 30-day trial is up, you'll never be billed and my four top-selling training courses are yours to keep forever!

All you really "risk" is the £1 (and to be honest if you truly don't think the four masterclasses above are worth £1, I'll refund that as well).

So what are you waiting for?

Click here to claim Your £1 Access Now!


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P.O. Box 146, Bordon, Hampshire, GU35 9ZQ Tel: 0845 468 1501 Email: